Le Tour de Finance

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Tour dates in Italy


The events in Italy are headed by Gareth Horsfall, a prominent and energetic member
of the expatriate community in Rome and further afield.

“For those of you who have known me for sometime, you may remember the days when I was out on the road holding seminars and bringing experts from the world of finance to various places around Italy. After a hiatus, I was about to restart in 2020 and then the dreaded lurgy raised it’s ugly head. Well, now that all seems to behind us, I decided that since my world is more commonly becoming a series of daily video and phone calls, that I wanted to get back out and talk to people in person again.”

“I miss these events and am really keen to get out and listen to your comments and concerns from a financial planning point of view, for residents in Italy. So, I decided to restart them and and as you can see from the flyer above, I am doing so in Abruzzo and Marche on the 17th and 18th of October, respectively. I would love to see you if you are in the area or would just like to travel and listen to some people from the world of finance and what they have to say on past, present and future events.”

“In this Tour de Finance, I have organised an all female line-up (which will make a nice change from the usual panel of men in suits)”

  • Stefania Falcone from Currencies Direct to talk about foreign exchange and the possible direction of currency movements.
  • Lorraine Reddaway, Business Development Manager and Joy Callender, Senior Investment Manager from RBC Brewin Dolphin Asset Managers to talk about the risk of investing in the world today and their view on the direction of world markets and asset classes.
  • Judith Ruddock from Studio del Gaizo Picchioni commercialisti. 

Event Schedule

17th October 2023Castello Semivicoli – AbruzzoRegister here
18th October 2023Villa Anitori – Le MarcheRegister here

To register for future events, please complete to form below: